How to join a Video Consultation

There are 3 ways to access a Video Consultation: 


  1. From the appointment in your Agenda, by clicking on the Start consultation button.

  2. From the link you’ll receive by email 10 minutes before its scheduled time.

  3. From the link you’ll receive by sms 10 minutes before its scheduled time.

  4. From all the above you’ll be redirected to the Video consultation room.

On the left of your screen, under Your Video Consultations of today, you can view a list of your appointments for the day. Next to it you can find the patient file of the person you are currently conversing with, as well as their previous appointments.


Once you are ready for the appointment, you can click Start consultation.


 5. ​​   You will be asked to allow access to your camera and microphone. Then you can verify that your devices work correctly.


  6 .  Once in the virtual waiting room you will see different messages.


     a. If the patient has not connected to the consultation the screen will display the following message:


     b. Once the patient connects, you will be asked to let them in.
Click on START.


     c.If there is a technical problem, the screen will display the following message.


     d.If the patient disconnects from the consultation, the screen will display the following message



  7.   When you accept the patient, the video call starts and extra functionalities are activated.

    These are:

      • Open full screen -To exit the full screen, click ESC
    • Share screen 
    • Mute the microphone 


    You can also chat with the patient during the call



      8.  If you want to end the consultation, you can click Terminate consultation

      9.   Finally, a brief survey will display for you to evaluate the video consultation. We appreciate the reply to help us improve our service.