Set up last minute availabilities

What is the purpose of the "last minute availability" feature?

The "last minute availability" feature allows you to open certain slots for emergency appointments. Indeed, you can set an availability that will only be open to patients a certain time in advance. For example, you can make the Monday morning slot unavailable for online booking until 1 day before. This means that the slot will only be available for online bookings on Sunday morning.

How to set up a "last minute availability"?

Follow the steps below to set up a last-minute availability:
  • Please log in to your Agenda
  • Click on the Availability button in the top right corner of your calendar
  • In the Availability Management section, click on "Edit" on the period you wish to adjust (if you wish to create a new slot first, please follow the steps on the Establish a time slot)
  • Select after "Open to patients" how many days in advance you want this slot to be open for online booking
  • Finally, save.

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