Establish a time slot

Set the schedules per day in your agenda

Once you have created a time period you can set your personalized hours that will appear in your agenda and your Public Profile, for patients to book appointments online.

To do this:

  1. Click on Availability in the shortcuts .
  2. There you will enter to Availabilities Management.
  3. Select the Practice from the drop down menu.
  4. Click on the Add New button below the desired day.

  5. After the pop up window appears, enter the hours.
  6. Select the preferred Booking Options:
    • Auto-confirm appointments

    • Available Convention - consultations are conventioned during this period
    • Open Consultation - no appointment required
    • Available for online booking - shown to the patient when scheduling the appointment.

  7. Add the Appointment Duration in minutes, and if you want you can assign a Color to this time slot in the agenda.
  8.  Click SAVE.