Frequently asked questions

  •  What if the consultation does not take place?

If the patient does not show up for the arranged Video Consultation, you will be able to charge them by connecting to the consultation link. You are not obliged to do so, it is solely up to you

You will receive the amount of the Video Consultation within 15 to 30 days. 

  •  How to proceed with a refund?

As the amount is billed at the end of the consultation ($0.00 being an option), the online payment service does not handle refunds directly from the user's account. Therefore you have to contact our customer service. 

Contact Customer service now. 

  •  How does the patient receive proof of payment? 

After completing the appointment, the patient will receive a link via email that will redirect them to their doctoranytime account, where they can download their receipt. 

The patient can access their receipts at any time from their doctoranytime account.

  •  What are the supported payment methods? 

Payment is made by credit card. The following cards are accepted by the online payment system: VISA, Mastercard and American Express.

As mentioned, payment is made after the consultation. We place a bank hold on the patient's account to reserve the amount needed for payment. This hold lasts for 7 days, after which the patient will be asked to re-authorize the payment just before the consultation starts.

  • How do I access billing/payment details? 

To access the details of the invoices perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the User Menu and select Statistics
  2. Click on Online payment and you will have access to all the information concerning the online payments made to your account. You can also access your Stripe account by clicking on View my Stripe account or view the details of payments received by clicking on View transfers to my account