Consulting patients’ questions

There are 2 ways to consult the patients questions:


As soon as the first question related to your speciality has been raised, an introduction email has been sent to you. This email aims at explaining what the Question and Answers consist of. The email looks like the following:Q & A_ Onboarding email (2)

By clicking on the button “Go to Question and Answers” in this email, you will be directly redirected to your account where you can consult the patients’ questions. 

Each time new questions will be raised, all concerned practitioners will receive a daily summary email with the number of questions that have been submitted and a direct link to those questions.

Q & A _ Email _ New Questions (2)

You can always opt out of those emails by clicking on the “Unsubscribe” link. Unsubscribing will apply only to the emails related to the Questions and Answers functionality and not to other emails.


If questions related to your speciality have been raised, a dedicated section will be visible in your account. You can consult and reply to patients' questions from there. To consult patients questions, you have to :

  1. Connect on your account
  2. Go to the upper right menu
  3. Click on “Questions and answer”

In this section you will be able to consult all questions related to your speciality and reply directly by clicking on the “Submit answer” button.

Screenshot 2023-03-02 at 13.37.02

If a question is not relevant for you or you don’t want to reply to the question. The question can be hidden by clicking on the cross (X) shown on the upper right corner of each question.