Set an Unavailability

You can add an unavailability block to prevent appointments from being scheduled

To access the Unavailability option:

  1. Click on Availabilities in the shortcut buttons. 
  2. There select the Unavailability tab 

This section shows a history of the unavailability you have added to your agenda in the past.  

You can view them for all of your practices or for a specific one, using the dropdown menu.

Adding a new unavailability

To add a new unavailability

1.Click on the red Add new button.


2. A window will appear with some fields to complete.

3. Indicate which Practice(s) you want to add for this unavailability.

4. Enter the start and end date, and time.

5. Additionally, a short description can be added. 

Keep in mind that it will only be visible to you.

6. Click SAVE.


In case it is a recurring unavailability

  1. Click on Is Recurring 
  2. Indicate when it will be repeated. 

You have the option to say how many times you want it to repeat and on which days.

  3.   Indicate when the recurrence Ends

It can be after the number of occurrences or on a specific date.

4.     To finish click SAVE.