Merge patients

There is a possibility that a patient may have two files, as they may have 2 emails, 2 phone numbers etc. You can merge the patient files in order to improve the database.

Here are the steps to merge patients:

   1. Go to the Patients section at the top right part of the main dashboard. 

   2. You will be directed to the My Patients section. There, click on Duplicate Patients.

   3. You can then filter patients by:

    • Full name: patients with the same name.
    • Email: patients with the same email address.
    • Group by phone: patients with the same mobile number.

   4. Click on Merge duplicate records, on the patient you want to merge the information.

   5. Wait a few seconds and a new window will open showing a list of patients matching the same filter. Select the patients you wish to merge by checking their boxes. 

   6. Click on Merge selected patients to finalize the action.  

   7. The selected patient's file is now complete. You can always come back to modify it or to create a new appointment for this patient.