Information you can add to your Public Profile

Remember that the more detailed your profile is, the more likely it is to appear in specific searches by the patient.

To complete or modify your profile go to the User Menu, click on Public Profile and go to My profile section. Once there, fill in or change your information.

You will find two sections, Account information, and Profile information.

The basic information section contains the information provided when registering on the doctoranytime platform.

Account  Information

  • First Name 
  • Surname 
  • Gender
  • Email address 
  • Mobile phone
  • Inami Number  (cédula professional)
  • Spoken Languages
  • Specialty 
  • Subspecialty 
  • Academic Degree (Dr, Phd, etc.) 
  • Expertise
  • Practices
  • Profile photo
  • Contact phone
  • Expertise field
  • Your top 3 specialties
  • Website
  • Facebook page

Below the Basic information, you will find the Profile information section.

Here you can add extra information that may be of interest to the patient, including your academic training, professional experience and messages to patients, among others.

Profile information

  • Personal message
  • Patient message
  • Additional information for the Video Consultation
  • Studies
  • Working experience
  • Participation in conferences
  • Academic research / publications
  • Accepts new patients
  • Has easy parking
  • Announce your phone number on your profile
  • EXTRA Settings
    • Also examines children up to 12 years.
    • Undertakes surgical incidents.

Don't forget to click Save so you don't lose the information you have entered.