Create your Video Consultation availability

Set your availability to show your patients when they can book a Video Consultation with you.

To create your available hours for the Video Consultation, the only thing you need to do is follow the next steps: 

  1. Click on the User menu and then on Availabilities management
  2. On the dropdown menu choose Video Consultation and add a new period, the same way you do for the rest of your practices:

  3. Select the day of the week you would like to add a new time slot and click on Add new

  4. Set up your availability for that day:

    To add a new time slot for Video Consultation you can follow the same process as described for the physical practices:

    • Specify the start and end time of this time slot 
    • If the Video Consultation is available for convention you can check the box, if not leave it blank. 
    • Check the Auto-confirm appointments box whenever the appointment is auto-confirmed. If not, leave the box unchecked. 


    Note: As opposed to the physical appointment settings, we have omitted the Open consultation and Available for online booking options, as the Video Consultations will be held online. 


    • If needed, select how the slots will be shown
    • According to the types of consultation, you can set up the services which will be available during this time slot.
    • Select the appointment duration.
    • Categorize the time slot per color.
    • Click on Save to confirm your selection.