Agenda pop-up "Complete your profile"

The Agenda pop-up "Complete your profile" is shown on the bottom right corner of your agenda. This pop-up shows with a red figure how many steps are missing for a complete profile and guides you through 4 steps.

Steps to complete your profile

If you open the pop-up by clicking on it, you will be able to view the different steps and be redirected to the right place in the agenda.

Hereby what is expected for a complete profile:

  • Profile: Complete your Description, Education, Professional Experience, and Profile Pricture
  • Practice: Add Pictures, Address, and Payment methods
  • Availability: Provide the availability of your practice/practices
  • Services: Add Services as well as Prices

Why is a complete profile important?

The quality of a your profile can have a significant impact on your visibility, connections, and credibility on a the platform:

  • Visibility: A high-quality profile is more likely to be visible to potential patients. A complete profile with photos, descriptions, and reviews can help you stand out from the competition and make a positive first impression.
  • Connections: A complete and credible profile can help you build connections and relationships with patients. For example, specialists with detailed information about their education, expertise, and experience are more likely to be recognized as experts in their field, thus attracting more patients and appointments.
  • Credibility: A well-crafted profile can also help you establish credibility and trust with potential patients. A profile that includes professional headshots, detailed descriptions of services, and positive reviews can convey a sense of professionalism, expertise, and reliability. This can help patients feel more comfortable and confident in their choice of doctor, leading to better patient outcomes and stronger relationships over time.