Add a service

Did you know that you can display your services in your Public Profile? Or that patients can book an appointment for a specific service? Enter the services and treatments you offer to maximize visibility.

To add a service you have to click on it, and then add the required information.

The information is the following:


  • Price with private appointment
    • Price Range (from to)
  • Price description


Service information

  • Appointment duration
  • Number of patients (maximum)
  • Practices where the service is offered
  • Instructions for the service (sent during the online booking process)
  • Instructions (Sent over Emails)

To add a service from the list

Click on the desired service.

Indicate if the service will be available in your agenda and for online booking.

You can also assign a color to each of your services. In this way the appointments of this service will be shown in that color on your agenda. 

Indicate the price range, the description of the fees, for example if the price differs depending on the practice, if the service requires several appointments or if the first consultation is free. 

Then indicate the estimated duration of the consultation, the maximum number of patients. This is in case you accept group appointments or you have multiple patients at the same time.

Indicate which practice offers this service, you can select more than one.

In the last fields, you can indicate if this service requires any important note for the patient to be displayed when booking and/or in the email reminder.

Finally, click Save.